Resource Sharing Committee: Fall 2015--Henderson State University

Projects and work of ARKLink's Resource Sharing Committee

Committee Report

Resource Sharing Committee Report, Fall 2015, ArkLink Meeting, Henderson State University, October 16, 2015

Greetings, all.

The ArkLink card survey is completed, and we will discuss the results shortly (see the pdf below). Participation fell this year as compared to last year; however, the results are still worth sharing.

We have welcomed an academic library into the ArkLink card program--Ecclesia College Library (in Springdale) reached out to the Resource Sharing Committee at the very beginning of the fall semester and signed the reciprocal borrowing agreement on August 31. We also had a few requests for the ArkLink card template, and those requests have been filled.


With regard to the summer discussion about cost-sharing for TAE-Amigos courier service, Elizabeth DiPrince, one of our committee members, made some preliminary phone calls to Amigos. She reported to Gerald and me that, in general, the overall cost is going to be prohibitive, even if ArkLink co-funded it for the academic libraries in the state. It might be a good idea to table the idea of a co-funded/cost-shared courier service until a later date when all of our budgets are not so stressed.

In other Resource Sharing Committee news, I am officially resigning as committee chair after today’s meeting. Elizabeth DiPrince was unanimously voted in a committee chair by the Resource Sharing Committee on September 30. Elizabeth has worked tirelessly for the committee and will lead well. Please congratulate her. On a more personal note, it has been an honor to serve with my committee members. All of them are talented librarians who bring varied skills and fresh ideas to the table, and it was a pleasure to lead them.

Thank you for a great run as a committee chair!

ArkLink Card Annual Survey Comparison

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