Resource Sharing Committee: Fall 2014 Mtg--UAPB

Projects and work of ARKLink's Resource Sharing Committee

Committee Report

Resource Sharing Committee Report, 11/14/2014

Since the summer ArkLink meeting, the Resource Sharing Committee has been in re-grouping and re-focusing mode. We worked hard last year to overhaul the ArkLink card policies and procedures and reboot the ArkLink card survey, all of which has been accomplished. We have had one committee meeting this semester, on October 10. This committee's members are all very active in their libraries, so juggling schedules is difficult; however, we arrived at the consensus that it was time to send out the TAE-Amigos Courier Survey to all of the ArkLink libraries. If you have not participated in our survey, today is the last day to submit your data. We need your data to give you a thorough picture of interlibrary loan courier use in Arkansas and how/if the courier would benefit those libraries not using it already. 

Our committee is still examining the best way to compile a survey about libguides usage to send out to all of you, as well. We want this survey to be as thorough as possible. I expect our libguides survey to be sent out soon. We will use our libguides page to disseminate the survey to you, just as we did with the courier survey.

 If any of you have any resource-sharing ideas or topics that you would like for this committee to explore, please email us. We are open to suggestions and ideas! 

Stay warm! 

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