Reciprocal Borrowing: ARKLink Card - FAQ

The Reciprocal Borrowing Program is a project of the ARKLink Resource Sharing Committee

ARKLink Card - About the card

The ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program allows the students, faculty, and staff of participating Arkansas colleges and universities to borrow books or materials available at another participating Arkansas college or university library.
For example, Tom is a student at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. He is looking for a book not available at the UAFS Library; however, it is available at the University of Arkansas Library. Rather than wait to receive the item through Interlibrary Loan, Tom can obtain an ARKLink card from the UAFS Library and drive to Fayetteville to borrow the book from the UA Library.

ARKLink Card - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get an ARKLink card?

Go to the circulation desk at your university library. Ask for an ARKLink Card. The staff will provide you with an application and a card for you to use at other participating libraries. Please bring your university ID and an additional photo ID with you when you visit other participating libraries. Note: You must pay any outstanding fines you have with your college or university library BEFORE an ARKLink card will be issued.

How long is the ARKLink card good for?

ARKLink cards are only good for one semester for students and one-year for faculty and staff. Expiration dates shall reflect the school calendar of the home library. You can renew your card at your home library when it expires.

How long can I borrow a book for from another library?

The library you are borrowing from will set the length of time you can borrow an item as well as how many items you can check out at one time.

What can I NOT borrow?

Borrowing privileges do not include the following items: journals, special collection materials, audiovisuals, computer software, anatomical models, reserve materials, or electronic resources restricted by licensing agreements.

How do I return item(s) that I borrowed?

Patrons are expected to return the books they borrow from another library to that library.

In the event that you are unable to return borrowed item(s), it may be possible to arrange with the library at your college or university to return the item(s) for you. Your library may ask you to pay a small fee to coverage postage costs. Please contact your library to ask for their policy concerning this matter.

**Please note: You will be charged late fees or the cost of the item if you fail to return it by its due date.

Participating Libraries

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