Reciprocal Borrowing: Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

The Reciprocal Borrowing Program is a project of the ARKLink Resource Sharing Committee

Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement

Participants: See a current list.

ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement:

  • Institutions participating in the ARKLink Libraries Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement agree to provide library access to borrowers (students, faculty, staff, and administration) of all participating ARKLink institutions. 
  • Additionally, participating institutions will adhere to the established ARKLink Reciprocal Borrowing Program Policies.
  • Those having an ARKLink Borrowing Card will have in-house access to print and electronic resources and circulation privileges based upon the established limits of the lending library.


  • Patrons must present their official ARKLink Borrowing Card, authorized by their home institution's library director or designee, to the circulation desk of the lending library.


  • ARKLink libraries participating in the Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement will be responsible for supplying ARKLink Borrowing Cards to their patrons. 
  • Each participating library will be allowed to set its level of service and lending policies and relevant circulation policies for each participating institution will be posted on ARKLink's web site.
    • Library employees designated by the directors of participating libraries will communicate necessary information about patrons or policies via a listserv established for this purpose. 
    • Revised policies will be distributed via this listserv and at ARKLink general meetings.
  • Libraries will assume responsibility for their own students, faculty, staff, and administration.  Lending libraries will take available and appropriate actions, including timely notification to the home library, to recover payment or materials from delinquent borrowers.
  • Any participating ARKLink library wishing to terminate this agreement and cease participation should give sixty (60) days written notice to the ARKLink Chair and the Resource Sharing Committee Chair. 
    • The current ARKLink Chair and the Resource Sharing Committee Chair are listed on the ARKLink web page. 

Signatories below:

Date: ________________________________

Name: _______________________________  


Signature: ____________________________

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